Awards and Recognition

Our quest for excellence and innovation receives national and regional awards

We didn’t set out to win awards, we just wanted to make ERH the best hospital it could possibly be. It turns out that others admire what we’re doing and give us awards for it. What these awards symbolize is the hard work of our entire staff, the energy of our Board of Trustees, and the support of our Foundation, volunteers and auxiliary—everyone who helps us do the work that matters. These awards are national and regional recognition that we’re getting it right.

IPRO Awards

IPRO awards recognize organizations and professionals that demonstrate a commitment to improving the quality of care provided to New York’s Medicare beneficiaries. IPRO is the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for New York State, and manages the state’s End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

ERH 2013 IPRO Award

  • Ellenville Regional Hospital was named a recipient of the 2013 IPRO Quality Award.
IPRO Awards

Amerinet Awards

Amerinet is a leading national healthcare solutions organization dedicated to reducing healthcare costs. It presents awards to those member hospitals who have taken steps to improve healthcare quality, and serve the community-at-large. ERH is proud to be recognized among the exceptional hospitals that are also Amerinet members.

  • Amerinet – Leap to Excellence in Patient Safety: Implementing a Hospital-Wide Electronic Health Record – National Honorable Mention 2013
  • Amerinet – Medication Safety – National Honorable Mention 2012
  • Amerinet – ED Turnaround Time – National Honorable Mention 2012
Amerinet Awards

HRSA Awards

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable. When ERH staff attended the 2010 HRSA conference, we learned that they give awards in four categories. Ellenville Regional Hospital was the only hospital in the country to receive awards in all categories.

HRSA Awards

Intalere Award Healthcare Achievement Award

ERH was recognized as the top winner in the category of Quality/Patient Care Delivery and/or Patient Satisfaction, which recognizes members who execute quality and patient safety strategies and processes to deliver exceptional satisfaction. The award was presented to the hospital for their efforts in fighting the opioid epidemic, including formulating a strong collaboration between the hospital (a Critical Access Hospital) and the Institute for Family Health (a Federally Qualified Healthcare Center).

Intalere Award Healthcare Achievement Award

National Rural Health Association Critical Access Hospital Conference

In 2013, Ellenville Regional Hospital was honored for being named as one of the Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals for Quality in the country at this conference.

National Rural Health Association Critical Access Hospital Conference

ERH 2010 HRSA Awards for

  • Quality & Patient Safety
  • Health Outcome Management
  • Life-Saving Patient Safety
  • Health Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services
  • Collaborative Performance
  • Clinical Pharmacy Services Improvement

In 2014, HRSA named Ellenville Regional Hospital a Top 5 Critical Access Hospital out of 1,330 Critical Access Hospitals nationally. Additionally, in 2017, HRSA recognized our “antibiotic stewardship” and participation in our Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services program, which highlighted the need for effective patient-provider connections and improved communication and better management of antibiotic prescriptions. Ellenville Regional Hospital was also nominated for a national HRSA award for being a top Critical Access Hospital in 2018.

American Hospital Association’s 2016 Annual Summit

During this summit, which was attended by representatives of 5,000 hospitals, two of Ellenville Regional Hospital’s projects were chosen for presentation out of only 20 presentations selected in total.

Physicians' Reciprocal Insurers Awards

NY Statewide Award 2012 for Medication Safety

Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association Awards for

  • Medication Safety 2011
  • ED Turnaround Time 2010

Letters of Recognition

  • Bonacic Letter 2014
  • NYS Resolution 2014
  • Letter from Dishek Family
  • Letter from Marcia Hamill

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