Visitation Policy
Visitation Policy has been established to provide a supportive, caring, nurturing atmosphere for patient’s family and friends and to ensure the patient’s privacy, according to the Privacy Requests
Visitors under the age of eighteen (18) are discouraged.
No visitors who are ill with respiratory or influenza-like symptoms should be allowed in patient care
If an extenuating circumstance exists, the Nursing Supervisor can make an exception (i.e. such as the case
with end of life care).
Emergency Department – One visitor may accompany patient to the treatment area. Minors may have a parent or guardian at the bedside.
Inpatient and Sub-Acute Units – Visiting hours are between 12:30pm and 8:30pm Maximum of two visitors during a visiting period.
Ambulatory Surgery – Visitor/support person can accompany the patient through registration; a visitor to wait in the lobby area per social distancing requirements and as room capacity allows. Masks worn at all times.
Once at the Hospital – Visitors are screened by Registration Staff as per COVID 19 protocols. If the screening is positive, the visitors will not be allowed to visit.
Once screening is complete, visitors escorted by a staff member to the patient’s room. Visitors are requested to remain in the patient’s room throughout the visit except as directed by hospital staff to leave. Masks are mandatory.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Throughout this long pandemic, our staff continues to take care of patients and provide expert and compassionate care. We respectfully request that you recognize these dedicated professions and treat them with dignity and respect.