June 2019: ERH was recognized by the NRHRC, under cooperative agreement for the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Federal Office of Rural Policy for demonstrating innovation in behavioral and mental health initiatives. The initiative addressed the hospital’s MAX project. The MAX project, focused on the opiate use epidemic, changes the process of how Emergency Department (ED) providers and staff manage care for patients who present to the ED repeatedly seeking opioid treatment for chronic pain management. The initiative has produced impactful results. There has been an 84% reduction in ED visits by the patients followed, with a 97% reduction in the administration of opioids to these patients.
Others Awards
May 2019: Intalere Healthcare Achievement Award- the top winner in the category of Quality/Patient Care Delivery and/or Patient Satisfaction, which recognizes members who ...
August 2018: national recognition by the National Healthcare Quality Conference National Rural Health Resource Center for our work with opiate reduction. We are one of onl...
AHA Mission: Lifeline® Silver Referring Quality Achievement Award for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association for th...