Vizient Connections Summit 2022

November 02, 2022

Ellenville Regional Hospital is honored to have had the opportunity to be one of 40 presenters at the 2022 Vizient Connections Summit in Las Vegas this September. Through the alignment of cost, quality and market performance, Vizient helps members improve and fortify their market presence so they can concentrate on what they do best: provide high-quality care for patients. Steven L. Kelley , President & CEO, Ashima Butler, VP & Chief Operating Officer and Theresa Aversano, Director of Rehabilitation Services highlighted Ellenville Regional Hospital’s Physical Rehabilitation Program for patients with Long COVID.

In 2021, Ellenville Regional Hospital developed a physical rehabilitation program to assist in the recovery of Long COVID patients with and without comorbidities. The goal was to develop an

evidence-based program for assessing and treating patients with Long COVID. The current program entails Manual Muscle Testing, Balance Assessments, Respiratory Endurance, and Exercise Tolerance Testing. Patients are aligned for care with other specialists such as Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Respiratory Therapy, and Behavioral Health as needed. 

Ellenville Regional Hospital wants to share our story so other rural and critical access hospitals can replicate this low-cost program to impact patient lives. Though there are no standardized protocols or clinical pathways for Long COVID, the physical rehabilitation program has produced positive results. 

Ellenville Regional Hospital is honored to have our work and innovation be recognized by Vizient and the attendees of the 2022 Vizient Connections Summit.


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